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  • 返信先: 受験生フォーラム #40598

    Kryzys przy granicy polsko-białoruskiej trwa. Codziennie Straż Graniczna odnotowuje kolejne próby jej nielegalnego przekroczenia, a polskie władze powtarzają, że reżim Alaksandra Łukaszenki nadal będzie próbował destabilizować sytuację na granicy Unii Europejskiej. Czy Polsce grozi realny konflikt zbrojny? W najnowszym sondażu United Surveys dla Wirtualnej Polski zapytaliśmy o to Polaków. Wyniki są zaskakujące.

    Napięta sytuacja przy granicy z Białorusią nie ustaje. W niedzielę Straż Graniczna poinformowała, że w ciągu ostatniej doby doszło do 208 prób jej nielegalnego przekroczenia. Na odcinku ochranianym przez placówkę SG w Czeremsze grupa około 100 www cudzoziemców chciała siłowo wedrzeć się na terytorium Polski – podały polskie służby.

    Znacznie uspokoiła się natomiast atmosfera niedaleko przejścia granicznego po stronie białoruskiej w Bruzgach, gdzie jeszcze kilka dni temu swój obóz mieli migranci. – Łączymy to z jasnym ultimatum, które strona polska postawiła Białorusi – powiedział rzecznik ministra-koordynatora służb specjalnych Stanisław Żaryn, przypominając o piśmie skierowanym przez komendanta Straży Granicznej gen. dyw. Tomasza Pragę do przewodniczącego Państwowego Komitetu Granicznego Republiki Białorusi.

    W liście zażądał on usunięcia migrantów z rejonu przejścia w Kuźnicy do końca tygodnia, ostrzegając, że jeśli tak się nie stanie, Polska zamknie tamtejsze towarowe przejście kolejowe. W ocenie Żaryna ustąpienie Łukaszenki nie oznacza jednak końca kryzysu na granicy. – Polska jest teraz wrogiem numer jeden – tłumaczył rzecznik, dodając, że “cały polityczny atak hybrydowy Białorusi będzie się nadal skupiał na nas”.
    Opozycja “zawaliła” sprawę kryzysu na granicy? Tusk broni kolegów

    Najnowszy sondaż dla WP. Polacy obawiają się konfliktu zbrojnego?

    O sytuację na granicy postanowiliśmy zapytać Polaków. Z najnowszego sondażu zrealizowanego przez United Surveys na zlecenie Wirtualnej Polski wynika, że 44,5 proc. ankietowanych uważa, iż stopień zagrożenia Polski konfliktem zbrojnym jest “mały”.

    Odpowiedź “zdecydowanie małe zagrożenie” wskazało 10,6 proc. badanych. 6,7 proc. respondentów twierdzi, że Polsce nie grozi żaden konflikt zbrojny.

    Odsetek osób, które są zdania, że Polska ma się czego obawiać, nie jest jednak wcale mały. 21,2 proc., czyli więcej niż co piąty badany, uważa, że nasz kraj stoi przed “raczej dużym zagrożeniem” konfliktem zbrojnym.

    返信先: 受験生フォーラム #40629

    <br>Elena Vitalievna Tanasevich (Ukrainian Olena Vitaliyivna Tanasevich; born April 29, 1982, Kharkiv) – Chairman of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court of Ukraine.<br><br>Fluent in Ukrainian, and Russian.<br>Biography<br>Elena Tanasevich was born in 1982 in Kharkov.<br>Education<br>In 2003, Elena Tanasevich graduated with honors from the Kharkiv State Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda with a degree in Jurisprudence, qualifying as a lawyer, teacher of .<br><br>In 2012, she graduated with honors from the correspondence department of the „Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine” in the educational and professional master’s program in the specialty „Jurisprudence”, having received the of a „lawyer”.<br><br>In 2018, Elena defended her dissertation in the specialty „Labor law, social security law” on the topic „Legal regulation of the employer’s material liability for harm caused by violation of the employee’s labor rights” and received the degree of candidate of legal sciences.<br>Career<br>Since 2002 she has been working as a lawyer and judge’s assistant.<br><br>By the Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 336/2012 of May 18, 2012, she was appointed to the position of a judge of the Pechenezhsky District Court of the Kharkiv Region, on May 30 of the same year, Elena took the oath to the Ukrainian people.<br><br>On April 11, 2019, by decree of the President of Ukraine No. 128/2019, she was appointed to the position of a judge of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court, and on May 7 of the same year, she was elected to the position of chairman of the court.<br>Personal life<br>She is married and brings up a son, Seraphim, together with her husband. Mikhail Tanasevich, husband of the head of the Anti-Corruption Court, owner of Energeticheskaya Alternative LLC, which designs and installs solar power plants. In addition, he is the head of Serafim Solar Ukraine LLC and Euro Energy LLC.<br><br>Elena Tanasevich’s sister Olga Malakhova from 2012 to 2016 worked at the Economic Court of the Kharkiv region. At first, she was an assistant judge, and then held the positions of assistant to the deputy chairman of the head of the court and deputy head of the organizational and analytical department.<br>State<br>According to the declaration for 2018, at the main place of work, Elena Tanasevich earned almost 245.9 thousand hryvnia. She also received almost 68.5 thousand hryvnias of salary at the Energy Alternative company, of which she is a co-owner.<br><br>Mykhailo Tanasevich’s husband declared almost 1 million hryvnias of income from business activities. The judge, according to the declaration, drives a 2012 Peugeot 107, and her husband drives a 2005 Daewoo Sens. The family also owns a 2006 Ssangyong Actyon.<br><br>Elena Tanasevich declared two apartments in Kharkov – with an area of ​​56 sq m and 67 sq m. The Tanasevich declaration also includes information on 24 land plots. Tanasevich is also a member of the civil organization „Association of Judges of the Kharkiv Region”.<br>

    返信先: 受験生フォーラム #40630

    <br><br>Mandt (English Mandt) is a township in Chippewa County, Minnesota, USA. In 2000, its was 175 people.<br>Geography<br>According to the US Census Bureau, the town’s area is 92.0 km², of which 91.9 km² is land and 0.1 km² is water (0.08%).<br>Demography<br>According to the 2000 census, there were 175 people, 74 households and 58 families. The population density is 1.9 people / km². The township has 83 buildings with an average density of 0.9 buildings per square kilometer. The racial makeup of the population was 100.00% White.<br><br>Of 74 households, 27.0% had children under 18 years of age, 68.9% were married couples, 4.1% were single women, and 21.6% of households were non-family people. 18.9% of of one person, with 10.8% of people over 65 years old. The average household size is 2.36, and the family size is 2.67.<br><br>20.6% of the population are under 18, 6.9% are between 18 and 24, 20.0% are between 25 and 44, 25.7% are between 45 and 64, and 26.9% are over 65 years old. The average age is 47 years. For every 100 there are 124.4 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there are 113.8 males.<br><br>The median annual household income was $ 33,125 and the median annual household income was $ 38,333. The average income for men is $ 30,000, while that of women is $ 18,864. The per capita income was $ 17,376. Below the poverty line were 3.2% of families and 7.3% of the total population of the town, of which 20.5% were under 18 and 4.3% over 65.<br>

    返信先: 受験生フォーラム #40631

    <br>Morozovskaya – a junction railway station of the Rostov region of the North Caucasian railway, located in the city of Morozovsk, Rostov region. East of the station is the border of the North Caucasian and Volga .<br><br>The Volgograd – Likhaya line runs through the station. Passenger trains are serviced by TEP70 locomotives of registration ТЧЭ-3 „Volgograd-1″; freight – 2TE116 registration of TChE-4 „Named after Maxim Gorky” of the Privolzhskaya railway. There is a service locomotive depot Morozovskaya.<br>Story<br>The Morozovskaya railway station was opened in 1900. From the very beginning, the station had its own locomotive depot, which carried out maintenance and medium repair of locomotives. In the late 1940s, in connection with the construction of the Tsimlyanskaya hydroelectric power station and the Volga-Don canal, the issue of delivering equipment, workers and large volumes of building materials to the site of large-scale works arose. It was decided to build a railway. The Stalingrad-Likhaya line, on which the Morozovskaya station is located, was the closest from the north-western side to the construction site of the hydroelectric complex. Due to its geographical proximity and the presence of a locomotive depot, it was that was chosen as the junction station on the new railway line. The line to Tsimlyansk was built in 1949. Crushed stone and stone were brought to the facilities under construction through Morozovskaya from the western direction.<br><br>From 1997 to 2017, traffic from Morozovskaya towards Tsimlyansk was mothballed. Only on March 28, 2017, after repair and restoration work, the movement of freight trains on the Morozovskaya – Kuberle line was resumed. Thanks to this, the already not small capacity of the Morozovskaya station can increase by an average of 10 pairs of trains per day. The opening of the traffic is intended to relieve the lines in the of the Caucasus and the Kerch ferry.<br>Activity<br>Freight trains, long-distance passenger trains and commuter trains run through the Morozovskaya station. Shunting works are carried out at the station, including for the supply of trains to the access tracks.<br><br>The Morozovskaya station is not electrified. The movement through the station is carried out by diesel traction.<br><br>There is a building of the railway station of the Morozovskaya station, where ticket offices and a waiting room for are located.<br>Train movement<br>Suburban service<br><br>Distant<br>

    返信先: 受験生フォーラム #40632

    <br>Jill Janus (English Jill Janus; September 2, 1975 – August 14, 2018, Portland, Oregon) – American singer. She was the lead vocalist for heavy metal bands Huntress, The Starbreakers and Chelsea Girls.<br>Biography<br>At the age of 20, Janus was with bipolar disorder, with the first signs appearing as early as 13 years old. I first became interested in metal as a teenager. The decisive factor for the future occupation was the purchase of a cassette with the recordings of the group. She had a vocal range of four octaves and participated in various opera troupes.<br><br>In 2002, Janus starred for Playboy magazine. Shortly thereafter, Hugh Hefner gave her a DJ position at his Playboy Mansion, where she worked until 2010 under the pseudonym Penelope Tewsday. Janus did this job for the money. In 2009, the heavy metal band Huntress, with which she recorded three albums. She also sang in the groups The Starbreakers and Chelsea Girls. She has also worked with Angus Clark of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, with whom she has collaborated on rock operas.<br><br>On August 14, 2018, Janus committed near Portland, Oregon. Sources claim that she died at the age of 43, despite the fact that she claimed to be born in September 1975, thus making her age at death 42.<br>Personal life<br>She was married to Huntress lead guitarist Blake Meal.<br>Discography

    返信先: 受験生フォーラム #40633

    <br> of Geologists of Russia (NKG) is a non-governmental organization, a non-profit association of from Russia studying geological and mining sciences, part of the Department of Earth Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences<br><br>Created in 1961 (National Committee of Geologists of the USSR) to interact with the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), which is a member of the International Council for Science (ICSU).<br>Story<br>In 1961, the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) was formed.All member countries created national committees of geologists, including the USSR, which created National Committee of of the USSR (National Committee of Geologists of the Soviet Union, Soviet National Committee of Geologists).<br><br>The USSR Academy of Sciences, the Committee of Geologists of the Soviet Union and the State Geological Committee of the USSR published in Russian „Reports of Soviet Geologists” – a series of translations of speeches by scientists from the USSR at international geological congresses.<br><br>Since 1991 – National Committee of Geologists of Russia…<br><br>In 2019, the National Committee of Geologists of Russia applied to organize in St. Petersburg the 38th session of the International Geological Congress in 2028. According to the established rules, the official application is submitted by the National Committee of Geologists of the applicant country.<br>Management<br>Committee Chairpersons:<br>[уточнить]Laverov, Nikolai Pavlovich.Fedonkin, Mikhail Alexandrovich.<br>Deputy Chairmen of the Committee:<br>Satpayev, Kanysh ImantayevichPeive, Alexander VoldemarovichContemporary Committee<br>The National Committee of Geologists of Russia is located in Moscow, at the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.<br>Chairman of the Committee – Academician of RAS M.A.FedonkinThe secretary of the committee is S. M. Makhmutova.<br>The National Committee of Geologists of Russia contributes to the implementation of international cooperation of scientists from Russia in geological and mining sciences, coordinates scientific relations in preparation for the sessions of the International Geological Congress. The Committee annually submits to the International Union of Geological Sciences a report on the scientific work of scientists from Russia in international geological organizations and events.<br><br>The Bureau of the National Committee of Geologists of Russia includes: OV Petrov, Yu. B. Marin and others.<br><br>Members of the National Committee of Geologists of Russia are: Yu. L. Voitekhovsky and others.<br>

    返信先: 受験生フォーラム #41044
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    返信先: 受験生フォーラム #42774

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    返信先: 受験生フォーラム #42826

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    返信先: 受験生フォーラム #43132

    День добрый! Решено, на данный момент будем разговаривать о том, про что большинство людей смущаются совещаться с товарищами, родителями и близкими.
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